Scientists often test medical treatments in animals before using them in people, but scientists at Virginia Tech are flipping that script – using a promising, non-invasive alternative to surgery to treat cancer in dogs. Sandy Hausman has that story.
Rolling into the weekend you may have plans to relax at one of Virginia’s many breweries or wineries. In the future, thanks to a new law, you may be able…
Lawmakers in Richmond are deadlocked on how to handle tethering of dogs.What happens when a dog is tethered to a leash that’s too short? Or it’s freezing?…
A treatment being tested for brain cancer in dogs may one day help humans with the same disease. Clinical trials at the Virginia-Maryland College of…
Did you ever wonder why dogs seem to splash water when they drink from their water bowls, but cats leave hardly a trace? Well, now we know why. Some…
I never wanted a dog. Growing up, my main interactions with dogs involved being chased by the junkyard variety. Years ago, my ten-year-old son, Ian, began…