Researchers say that the increased death rate in children and teens is a flashing red light.
A recent study found that negligent landlords are a significant predictor of violence in Richmond neighborhoods.
Over the last ten years, Virginia recorded 462 pregnancy-related deaths – one of the highest rates in the nation. In some cases, those deaths were caused by intimate partner violence, so Virginia Commonwealth University has started a program to protect people at risk.
Liver disease is a growing problem in this country, and Virginia Commonwealth University is hoping to fight that trend with the largest donation in its history.
A team at Virginia Commonwealth University is working with scientists at two other medical centers to conduct the world’s largest study of genetic risk factors for depression.
Society views pregnancy as a happy time of anticipation, but about 20% of women experience depression and anxiety when they’re expecting.That’s why scientists at Virginia Commonwealth University are testing a new approach to treatment – one that does not involve drugs or expensive psychotherapy.
The $6 million for VCU's Youth Violence Prevention Center is one of five awarded nationally.
The focus is why some patients experience 'long COVID' while some symptoms last a matter of days.
Are Virginia taxpayers willing to pay more?A new poll from Virginia Commonwealth University that asks that question.
The pandemic is hitting racial and ethnic minorities harder in Virginia, according to a new poll.Black people in Virginia were twice as likely to have a…