Senator Tim Kaine cruised to victory on election night, scoring one of the first victories of the evening.Republican Corey Stewart promised to run a…
Corey Stewart, the Republican candidate for Senator, is out Thursday with his first ad of the general election. The focus is on immigration.On his…
Voters are about to choose a candidate for United States Senate. But the ballot has a name that you might not have heard before.It’s early afternoon at…
How the top of an electoral ticket can impact local races down-ballot is a question normally posed during presidential election years. But this year in…
If you watch television or listen to talk radio, you know it’s election time. But just how effective are all those ads?If you’ve been anywhere near a…
Candidates for Virginia’s Senate seat tackled the controversial Supreme Court nomination during their final debate Tuesday night. Incumbent Democrat Tim…
On Capitol Hill, senators are grappling with how to handle allegations of sexual misconduct. But it’s a drama that’s also playing out on the campaign…
More than a decade ago, Virginia Tech was the scene of a mass shooting. Now the issue of gun violence remains one of the hottest issues in Virginia…
The race for U.S. Senate in Virginia is contested. But it might not end up being all that competitive.Incumbent Senator Tim Kaine has a double digit lead…
President Trump’s new proposal to replace the Obama-era Clean Power Plan has sparked a debate in the Commonwealth about the state’s energy future.Former…