New numbers out Tuesday from the Census Bureau show that in a single year the number of Virginians without health insurance dropped by .9-percent, the…
Remember those work requirements Republicans insisted on before passing Medicaid expansion?They haven’t been implemented yet and the governor’s office is…
Since Medicaid expansion began in January more than 300,000 Virginians have gotten health insurance. They’re visiting the doctor, getting prescriptions…
More than 300,000 Virginians have something today they didn’t have this time last year -- health insurance through Medicaid. Lawmakers lowered the…
Virginia does not currently have work requirements for people who receive health insurance through Medicaid expansion. But, that might change after a…
The crisis of maternal mortality among African-American women in Virginia continues to raise alarm bells among state officials, although a new report has…
Virginia is still waiting on the federal government to make a determination on work requirements for Medicaid expansion. And, new research shows they…
Virginia revenues are looking strong. But a trade war and heavy debt at the federal level could threaten that.In a presentation to lawmakers this week,…
182,000 people are about to get health insurance now that Virginia is finally expanding Medicaid. And, they will not have to meet the work requirement to…
Virginia officials announced Thursday that Medicaid Expansion is a go, and newly eligible populations will be able to sign up during this year’s open…