One of the greatest threats to wildlife in Virginia is traffic. Thousands of animals are killed each year by cars and trucks in collisions that may also cost human lives or cause injuries. In an effort to reduce the incidence of roadkill, scientists at Virginia Tech have been trapping, tagging and tracking the travel patterns of bobcats.
Tomistomas are endangered fresh water crocodiles native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Like orangutans and other rainforest creatures their habitat is being destroyed to make way for palm oil plantations.
For centuries, most of Virginia was covered with trees, but as farmers developed the land, meadowlarks, bobolinks, Bob Whites, red-winged blackbirds, grasshopper and Savannah sparrows were tempted to build nests here.
The Biden Administration’s Build Back Better bill won approval in the House and is now awaiting a vote in the senate. It will provide money for bridge and road construction, and it could also benefit wildlife here in Virginia.
Climate change and loss of habitat now endanger more than a million species in this country, and a growing number of people are calling for preservation…
The Wildlife Center of Virginia reports a record number of bear cubs coming in for care – 19 of them. Sandy Hausman reports on why so many baby bears are…
The fall migration is underway, with millions of birds passing through Virginia. Sandy Hausman spoke with one expert -- a rich source of surprising…
The Wildlife Center of Virginia reports an especially large number of patients this year. Over 3,000 animals have been treated at the veterinary hospital…
This month the Wildlife Center of Virginia marked a milestone -- caring for its 800-thousandth patient – a possum. In years passed, rabbits have been the…
There are an estimated 18,000 black bears roaming around Virginia, and at this time of year there are lots of mothers and cubs. Most are healthy, but…