Advocates for criminal justice reform are warning, today, that Republicans plan to roll back a change made two years ago. About a thousand inmates who were told they’d be free this summer might, in fact, remain behind bars.
Virginians hoping for prison reform are keeping an eye on two bills in the General Assembly. They gathered in Richmond recently to demand an end to solitary confinement and worry that few people will be paroled if a measure passed by the House wins Senate approval.
You may have been hearing about rising crime, a narrative that's worrying many people in the criminal justice reform movement. They're worried that fears of rising crime might undermine efforts to bring back a parole system or abolish solitary confinement or defelonize drugs. They're particularly concerned about the narrative of rising crime because, well, they say it's just not true.
The University of Virginia says it will launch a legal initiative early next year – a program that could keep more innocent people out of local jails, state and national prisons.
Data released by the Virginia State Police shows a wide disparity in the rate at which Black drivers are involved in traffic stops when compared to their…
Robbery will have a more nuanced definition after a bill reforming the state’s definition becomes law on July 1st.Delegate Vivian Watts (D-Fairfax)…
Do local governments have a financial incentive for their police officers to make traffic stops?The firestorm caused by the Windsor police officer who…
Virginia spends over a billion tax dollars each year to lock-up more than 37,000 people in state prisons. Almost as many end up in local and regional…
One of the big disappointments for many criminal justice advocates in this year’s General Assembly session was a failure to ditch mandatory minimums.Just…
Lawmakers are ending the General Assembly session with a major compromise on expungement.Right now, people who have an old conviction for marijuana…