Back in the 1960’s during the Vietnam War, advocates for changing the voting age from 21 to 18 adopted the slogan, "old enough to fight, old enough to vote." Now advocates might be adopting a twist on that: old enough to drive, old enough to vote.
The law requires election officials to count absentee ballots in the precincts where the voters live instead of large murky pools that are sometimes reported at the end.
Governor Glenn Youngkin has appointed a new person to oversee elections in Virginia – Susan Beals, who was until recently a member of the Chesterfield County Electoral Board.
This spring will see the last ever May elections for local government.This May will see the last flowers of an old tradition in Virginia; the springtime…
Voters may be about to get better data about elections. But, it won't be this year.As election returns came rolling in back in November, the so-called red…
As more and more voters move toward absentee voting, important data about the geography of elections is not being collected.Looking over a list of…
Many of the pandemic-related changes to Virginia elections might end up being permanent.Those drop boxes from the election last year might just end up…
As lawmakers prepare for the upcoming General Assembly session, a huge number of House members are running for statewide office or at least considering a…
Dozens of elections across Virginia are scheduled to take place a few days from now.More than 60 local elections are scheduled to take place May 5th.…
Lawmakers are about to return to Richmond for a General Assembly with social distancing. One issue that could become a flashpoint is what happens to local…