In Floyd County just off route 8, a meadow of yellow and pink wildflowers is one of the sites for a new project, called Floyd Flower Power. Floyd isn’t the only place in southwest Virginia with flower projects in the works. A regional initiative across 20 counties, called Plant Southwest Virginia Natives, is working to promote the abundance of flowers and plants that thrive here.
One of the longest studies on early childhood development is out with its latest findings. Researchers followed two groups from infancy through adulthood…
The last remaining journalist at the Floyd Press says she’s been fired by corporate owner Lee Enterprises after doing an interview detailing difficult…
Lee Enterprises is one of the largest corporate newspaper chains in the country, and the company now owns more than a dozen daily papers throughout…
The Pandemic has brought the idea of death so much closer to us all. And that has helped revive a plan, long in the works, for an ‘eco-friendly’ green…
There’s a monument you see outside courthouses and government buildings in many parts of the south. It’s called the “Common Confederate Soldier Statue.”…
It wasn’t that long ago that one of every three people in this country were farmers. But over the last century small farming has been almost entirely…
Remember that old joke: ‘everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it?' Well, as we all know by now, weather and climate are very…
Floyd, Virginia has long been known for its arts scene, particularly live music. But residents, businesses, and visitors also know the rural mountain town…
Mention Floyd, VA and one of the first images that comes to mind is the Floyd Country Store. And of course, bluegrass and old time music. Dylan Locke and…