They say it’s never too late to pursue your passion. Two Charlottesville-area photographers are proving that maxim. They got hooked through a hobby that…
Virginia-and-France based photographer Sarah Hazlegrove has a new exhibit opening Saturday, October 10 at Roanoke’s Taubman Museum of Art. It’s a…
Seeing homelessness with greater clarity is the goal of an exhibit of photographs taken by homeless women and children. They were given disposable cameras…
It’s been fifty years since a top official at the Labor Department released a report on African-American families, and now – as part of the Look3 Festival…
Speaking with people who spend their days in shelters throughout cities can yield powerful, heartbreaking, and sometimes surprising narratives. One…
At a time when almost every American carries a cell phone camera, it takes courage to try and publish a book of photographs, but a Virginia man was…
Students of American history learn about the Civil Rights movement in this country – about marches and sit-ins in places like Birmingham and Selma, but at…
It’s been said that Americans no longer make anything, but one group of people begs to differ. A new generation of craftsmen has taken over an old…
3-D printers have quickly found a home on many college campuses and businesses in just the past few years. One such printer in Western Virginia is geared…
Charlottesville is the first city in the nation to pass a law restricting the use of drones in its airspace, and now a New York City artist has created a…